Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Hardest Part

I walk alone in this decent world
I am just a unique man in the herd.
I have always felt like this,always
I sigh in each one of my days.

We step in and step out alone.
I don't know where I have to go
Now the aim is vague
Now the efforts are all in vain.

In the rains now, I love walking
Coz no one knows that actually I am crying
Tears just get washed away
I walk miles from home everyday.

I look up at the sky and I believe
I am talking to God,"make me believe,
Will I be able to meet the leavers
Is my destiny ,my healers?"

When the city sleeps,I roam
Towards the end,I go away from home
I think about the past,living in my mind
I just wanna walk ahead leaving all this behind.

A mind is calm when you don't think about your kin
The moment they appear in front of you,its like a sin
The mind gets all panic and loses control
But the introvert leaves all and on the roll
He leaves once and forever
Never turning back,he is thin air.

I sacrificed my life ,passion and avocation
All for myself,I went looking for gratifaction
I was searching for peace,I travelled
A million places,I lived as a commoner
I went to worst situations,a former gooner
I did things never done before and finally I stopped.

I had aged with not a weak heart
But with weak bones and white hair
I had reached my destiny
Now I am a small wordly part.

1 comment:

  1. again awesome..!!
    i neva xpectd dese kin f poems..
    i simply love dem :)
