Monday, December 16, 2019

Instagram By Kilogram

Sacrilegious to modelling bodies.
Artificial idols of plastic and blondies.
Crafting a million selfies and filters,
Reading between lines and fitting belters.
Inflicting perfect shades of pulchritude.
Frailties camouflaged into platitude.
Influencing the Instagram masses.
Careful and retakes and retakes and retakes.
Edging closer to fame and only eye catching passes.

Feeling jaded and agoraphobic.
Exclusive to cameras and claustrophobic.
Elusive esoteric erotica.
Delusional happiness' replica.
Somersault practice and more Amerika.

Bae and beau , hugs and kisses.
Emotions personified by pantomimes and misses.
Androgynous feminists.
Unequivocal trends and trysts.
True nature, up close and personal.
Yet, "posts" are coveted and ample personnel.

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