Saturday, November 10, 2018

The circle of time

Diwali , the festival of lights is nearer.
You look in the mirror.
The Oracle in you sees smiles and fancy clothes.
The kid in you is feasting on sweets, and crackers appose.

As you reminisce the childhood,
And look myopically to the niceties and brotherhood.
You hear the loud fireworks,
And shrieks of the neighbouring dogs and silenced barks.

There is a knock on your window.
The Zeppelin waits for you, your presence to bestow.
It takes you back to 1973.
Air is clearer ,your kin, more than 3.

Joy is limitless and ubiquitous.
Especially , heavenly delicacies , humungous.
Each one welcomes the wealthy goddess to shower blessings
While getting along with the loved ones and offsprings.

After the short trip, the Zeppelin zaps
Future ,2035, it is and you see your worldly haps.
Your daughter is getting ready
But all of them are wearing a mask, now steady!

The air is inhabitant.
The pets are extinct and scant.
The clouds are too low.
Water is scarce, and magnanimous famine to follow?

The festival of lights has lost all its pulchritude.
For the lights now are rude.
Thinking is it ever going to change?
We keep on fouling our trapped cage.

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