Monday, December 16, 2019

Instagram By Kilogram

Sacrilegious to modelling bodies.
Artificial idols of plastic and blondies.
Crafting a million selfies and filters,
Reading between lines and fitting belters.
Inflicting perfect shades of pulchritude.
Frailties camouflaged into platitude.
Influencing the Instagram masses.
Careful and retakes and retakes and retakes.
Edging closer to fame and only eye catching passes.

Feeling jaded and agoraphobic.
Exclusive to cameras and claustrophobic.
Elusive esoteric erotica.
Delusional happiness' replica.
Somersault practice and more Amerika.

Bae and beau , hugs and kisses.
Emotions personified by pantomimes and misses.
Androgynous feminists.
Unequivocal trends and trysts.
True nature, up close and personal.
Yet, "posts" are coveted and ample personnel.

Sunday, September 29, 2019


Said words are mere leaves , floating.
Extending on paper
Ephemeral blowing, juxtaposes meaning.

An expression
Not just shown, but moulded by the dance of tones.
Decorated with feelings and finger tapping and tingling bones.

Feel the volume in the skies.
Estranged , the grass listens.
Elating bees over flowers.
Laughs of offsprings.

The exhibition of paintings
Heuristically defining each stroke, of
Either brush or piano, the surreal musings.

Magnificent concertos and crescendos. the grand cause.
Usurping stress and misery.
Soothing and serene permutations.
Invested in imagination and artistry.
Courteous climax of a huge round of applause.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

You ,Who?

I am only here to gratify myself.
To hell with the world
Satiating you? go please yourself.

Oblivious to the world's plight.
Nucleus is my face
Lights cameras on me
Your problems are always smaller than mine.

Miasma of your flatulence is intolerable
I only pass gas.
Nothing about your misery affects me
Everything about my hardships matter.

Never should you say never.
Obey me, I am your King.
Trials will be held and feelings will be discarded

On the day kingdom comes.
Unison is a rarity like kindness.
Recanting won't help now
Show empathy than just sympathy.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

A Heart's Speech

When you touch my nose.
The butterflies pull my cheeks apart.
The dolphins sprinkle my face.
And I sigh, smelling my rose.

Like the hue of red in the rainbow and heavenly scent.
I fix my eyes. and I skip a beat.
When you smile, the world stops.
The wind whispers "Gentle, kind and decent".

My love is true.
Like the silver lining in the clouds.
Your arms like trust and peace.
Embrace me with no regrets or rue.

When rain meets earth.
Our lips touch.
Taking you by the hand.
We dance over wrath.

When your giggling becomes music, soothing.
I gaze , like the sun to the horizon.
I hear like the trees do, silently.
I rejoice like birds, smoothing.

As I start writing. about your gown.
I lose out , I could never find a pen.
To write on rocks, when I climbed the cliff.
The Gods come down to blow me down.

But I held on , as I must.
Tightly as can be.
Like, you hold my hand,
For without you, I'd be dust.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Wakey Wakey

While creating the cars for satients
Harnessing machinery as slaves for sapiens.
Enriching lives and connecting people with a pitcher.
Never, could we see the dusty biggger picture.

With ACs and plastic,instant haste.
Irrigating the world with waste.
Locii for mute wildlife.
Lusting on the glimmering gold,what a lie.

We made it hot, hotter hottest.
Everybody wants to be right, not the leftist.

Withstanding air, water and land pollution.
Adjusting, our mother weak sans incarnation.
Killing the children, euthanasia?
Everything ends, yes, but not like this,by melting glaciers.

Usurping the need to be woke
Praising scientists for engineering solar radiation, the only hope.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Biggest Loser

Mainly ,food was income.
A luxury, ubiquitous.
Knocking you with fancy fish hooks;
Emaciation?No,Yes to Midnight cravings!

Ignoring the false count
Noting down the calories.
Dyslexia by capitalism.
Inching closer to the hospital
Airing the miasma of flatulence.

Joining in with the discounts.
Obliterating all diet plans.
Laughing over cheat days, weeks, months then years.
Loving the infinitesimal nuances of Filters.
Yet, somehow , we restart.

Aggravating the invisible pain.
Glutton, the coolest of sins.
Allocating time to paint the bigger picture.
Ignominy ,embraced and uprooted.
Now, you become immortal.

Atheism is not all bad!

Nepotism of teachings
Orchestrating modicum peace.
Rejuvenating the faith.
Expending the help.
Liabilities become Assets.
Ignoring facts to be an atheist.
Glorifying the cosmos creator.
Idolizing the act of kindness and gentleness.
Ornaments of commandments and righteousness.
Noble deeds, only human hands.
Institution of hope and good will.
Salvation via polymorphism.
Erring is human.
Veracity through black holes.
Icelandic to Theology.
Lest, peace will prevail.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

The Hope Whisperer

Beginning with benign humility and obedience
Enthusiastically , Gopal completed his homework.
Gladly, making himself normal
Ghosts of the past, making him miserable.
Analysing the future and now, haunted by the past.
Rectifying silly mistakes, with the most inferior night job.
Streets are lit, and echos of Gopal asking for money are heard.

Churchgate has many Gopals running up and down.
Articulating and collecting pennies by every generosity.
Nurturing the dreams of being a pilot, to fly.
Towering through the grades in school.

Bludgeoning every academic hurdle to death.
Extempore of flying ruminations and avoiding the traffic lights.

Charisma is not bought but fostered from within.
Harrowing details of the impossible
Ornamenting ideas , with periodic collections.
Odd one out, has to be
Shimmering light of hope, Gopal can be to his leftover kin.
Eighteen years old multi-linguistic Gopal, will sit through most prestigious entrance exams.
Righteous feelings, might not need a helping hand, not even from GOD
Staging the fears, with anxiety and courage, Gopal will not give up until he wins.