The myth is busted.
Hysterical times are relived.
Erroneous misconceptions ,eradicated.
Deliriously hopped into buses
Realizing the veracity of human nature.
Eradicating former flaws.
Adorning smiles by smiles.
Memorizing bits and excerpts of Tamils.
Ingenuous architecture
Sublime services
Drinking the glory.
Owning the moment
Numbering the minutes of navigation
Expediting serenity.
Hysterical times are relived.
Erroneous misconceptions ,eradicated.
Realizing the veracity of human nature.
Eradicating former flaws.
Adorning smiles by smiles.
Memorizing bits and excerpts of Tamils.
Sublime services
Owning the moment
Numbering the minutes of navigation
Expediting serenity.